
JourneyMaze is a hotel & flight search comparison website. The prices shown comes from varied different travel websites. Here, customers decide to go forward on which partner websites as per their rates and needs. The reservation process is completed through their online portals, we serve as a medium to display their rates. Our search network shows 100s of airlines and hotels from where you can proceed further. All the prices enlisted for hotels & airlines are dynamic and might change. Please be sure to click the right price and checkout complete itinerary details on partner website. We do not collect your payment details or any other personal information. if you have any issues, please email : info@journeymaze.com or call on our phone number, we are ready to assist you. journeymaze.com is not responsible for any sort of information provided at other websites. If it’s wrong or there is an error, we take no responsibility. The advertisements shown on the website, we take no responsibility for those advertisements. So, it is recommended to check before you take any decision. journeymaze.com doesn’t supervise any web page linked in our website. All the links are provided just to make your experience more convenient. And for your own safety, you should read the details carefully. Before making any decision, it is recommended to check the details provided by the third party. You can any time contact customer care executive if the information is not clear and get the satisfactory answers. We take no responsibility of any sort of fraud that occurs due to third party links. After complete investigation takes an intelligent decision. If your questions have received the genuine answer then never go for the services.